Sunday, November 8, 2015

At The Foot of The Cross

At The Foot of The Cross

By Cole Carr

When you think of the cross
What do you picture?
Is it a t shape?
Or maybe you think of
A t shape, with a man pinned to it

When I think of the cross
I think of Jesus
The son of God
Pinned to the cross by three nails

With a small cloth on
And a crown of thorns
Upon his head

The thief on his right
And the thief on his left
The disgrace and shame it brought him

His own blood denied him
Said he is no son of mine
His mother
The woman who gave birth to him
Denied him

And all for what
So that she wouldn’t be shamed

In those days
The cross was shame
There was nothing more shameful

And the fact is he Chose to do it
Not for himself

But for US!!