Sunday, November 8, 2015

At The Foot of The Cross

At The Foot of The Cross

By Cole Carr

When you think of the cross
What do you picture?
Is it a t shape?
Or maybe you think of
A t shape, with a man pinned to it

When I think of the cross
I think of Jesus
The son of God
Pinned to the cross by three nails

With a small cloth on
And a crown of thorns
Upon his head

The thief on his right
And the thief on his left
The disgrace and shame it brought him

His own blood denied him
Said he is no son of mine
His mother
The woman who gave birth to him
Denied him

And all for what
So that she wouldn’t be shamed

In those days
The cross was shame
There was nothing more shameful

And the fact is he Chose to do it
Not for himself

But for US!!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Doubt: Poem


By Cole Carr and Thunder

Has anyone ever doubted?
Let's ponder for a moment.
Everyone doubts at some point
It's just the way we are
Thomas doubted Jesus
and he was a faithful follower

We all doubt
Just like we all sin
But God anticipates are doubting
because it means we listen

We doubt, because we know God is.
We are made in His image
But no one is perfect
So we doubt, just like we sin

There has only ever been one person to be without sin, 
Yeah, Adam and Eve didn't sin at one point
but the committed the ultimate sin
The one that shaped our entire future on this Earth

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Family Time: Poem

Family Time
By Cole Carr & Thunder

Spend time with family
You never know when one
Will leave
When your older sibling
Will move out
Or when you move out
But even if
You live 100 or 200
Miles away you should
Still make time
For the family
That raised you
The one that was there
Through all
The heartaches
And the tears
Who wasn't afraid
To tell you no
When you do
Something bad
So remember make time
Because you never know
When it will all end.