Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Life Is a Mystery: Chapter 1: A Normal Day

Life is a Mystery: Chapter 1: A Normal Day
By Cole Carr and Thunder

Edmund            Tony
Esara                Tiara
Edgar                Tomas
Elissa                Tahrra
Ekory                Toby
Emily                 Tiala

It was 6 o’clock in the morning all the kids were getting ready for school, Jake and John were getting ready for work. Jena and Jane were getting the lunches ready. When all the sudden it started, obviously Tony and Edmund hadn’t flown in a while, because there wings came out. Tony “MOM, I can’t go to school today” Jena “And why would that be Tony?” Edmund “Are wings” Jane “ I told you, you need to take them out and fly at least once a week, how long has it been since you’ve flown?” Edmund mumbling “3 months” Jena “What did you say?” Tony yelling “3 MONTHS, okay” Jena “Do not yell at me young man, now go fly, I’ll call your Principal” Tony “Sorry Aunt, Mom, we’ll go fly now”.

Tiala “Daddy I can’t stop running” John “Okay, Jena, Jane you better call about all the kids”. Elissa “But I’m fine Uncle and so is Tahrra” John “Okay, whose powers are going haywire?” Tony “Me, Edmund, Emily, Tiala, Tomas and Esara” John “Did you get all those names Jane, Jena?” Jane “Yes, I did. Thank you. Now go do your powers” Jake “We gotta get going John, Bye kids, Jena, Love you Jane” John “Bye kids Jane, Love you Jena” Jane “Love you too Jake” Jena “Love you too John”.  Edgar, Tiara, Elissa, Tahrra, Ekory and Toby left to school 10 minutes after their dads left to work.

Around lunch, seemed to be the worst part of the day. Edmund was tired from flying so much, and Tony was just plain out mad at everyone. Edmund “Mom, can I take a nap yet?” Jane “Fine, go” Tony “I didn’t want a Peanut Butter and Jelly, with Grape Jelly” Jena “Okay, I have had enough,  go to your room. Now Tony”. The kids all took a nap, while Jane and Jena cleaned.

At exactly 5 o’clock all of the children were home. Jake and John wouldn’t be home until 6 o'clock. Jena was making dinner, all the kids powers were back to normal, and they all woke up refreshed. Tony “I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier mom” Jena “It’s alright I know you were just lashing out because of your powers, and don’t do it again please.” Tony “Yeah mom, I won’t I love you” Jena “Love you too, now go do your chores please” Tony “Okay mom”. Elissa “Edgar is sick again mom” Jane “Okay sweetie, thanks. EDGAR come down here please” Edgar “Yes *Edgar gets paler* mom” Jane “Go lay down, I’ll make you some soup” Edgar “Okay mom”.