Friday, August 31, 2012

A Change For The Better!

A Change For The Better!

By Cole Carr

I’m seventeen and the owner of a company. Every one is at least ten years older than I am. My parents just told me that they want me to go High School, so that I can meet people my age. This is going to be the worst day ever let’s hope nobody finds out…..
The Principal Mr. Shanty: Hello Natalie Zoomanto, here is your schedule and your buddy shall be here any second
me: Mr. Shanty I’ve been here before, but it was six years ago.
Mr. Shanty: What do you mean Ms. Zoomanto?
Me: Well have you heard of Smiley Mirrors?
Mr. Shanty: Yes I have.
Me: Well I’m the owner of that company
Mr. Shanty: Well than I guess you don’t need a buddy.
I walked to my locker and I turned around, and there was the Cheer Leading Captain,
Me: Yes?
Sara Tanner: Hello I’m Sara Tanner and was wondering if you want to be cheerleader?
Me: Uh no thank you, I came here to focus on School and after school I have to go to work.
Sara Tanner: Oh, you’re one of those girls, well than bye
me: Bye.
Next thing I know I was in class.  Then the next thing I knew I was transferred to an honors class. I saw the same Teacher I had six years ago.
Mr. Reel: And look who it is! I thought you graduated six years ago?
Me: I came back, so I can meet people my age
Mr. Reel: But aren’t you happy with your life?
Me: Some time's, but I graduated from college at THE AGE OF FIFTEEN…. And started my own business, I mean I went from 5Th grade to a senior in High School
Mr. Reel: Well class is over, Bye everyone. I walked out of the class with all eyes on me ‘Great’ I thought as everyone stared and laughed at me. Then the captain of the Football team walked over to me.
Toby Tanner: Hey, my name is Toby Tanner
Me: Hey, I’m Natalie Zoomanto
Toby Tanner: Really, I used to know someone with that exact name, only she transferred to a different school when I was ten.
Me: Well I used to know a Toby, but when I transferred to High School I lost contact. Oh no I’m going to be late to class. Bye
Toby Tanner: Bye.
After I wasn’t laughed at any more. Who thought one friend is all you need. I graduated top of my class AGAIN.... Then Toby and I are dating. Thanksgiving Day.
Toby Tanner: Hey! Do you want to go to my sister’s house for Thanksgiving with me?
Me: But you’re sister doesn’t like me!
Toby Tanner: See Sara doesn’t like you Tamera, my other triplet hasn’t met you!
Me: Wait triplet? You told me you were twins!
Toby Tanner: Yeah I forgot about Tamera! See she was in boarding school at the time I met you! So I kind of forgot about her!
Me: Toby I told you NO SECRETS
Toby Tanner: Well I forgot about that detail!
Me: Fine I’ll go as long as Sara leaves me alone this time.
We arrive at Tamera’s house and are instantly greeted by her.
Tamera Tanner: Hey Toby and you must be Heather
Me: Who’s Heather Toby?
Toby Tanner: An old friend
Tamera Tanner: Oh Sorry then that means your Natalie
Me: Yeah and you must be Tamera
Tamera Tanner: Hey weren’t we in the 1st grade together?
Me: Tiara? Wow
Tamera Tanner: Natty? Remember that time when we put silly string in the teachers desk and she got silly string all over?
Me: Oh I SO remember that like it was yesterday.
Someone walks up to me I think it was Toby’s mom and OH DEAR SARA!
Sara Tanner: Mom that’s her, the girl who tried to hurt me!
Mrs. Tanner: Excuse me did you try and hurt my little Sara?
Me: Um No I don’t know what you’re talking about?
Sara Tanner: You opened the girl’s bathroom door and slammed it in my FACE!
That got every one’s attention, and I MEAN EVERYONE!
Now this really got me mad and upset and everything in between.
I threw the ring at Toby and left... He of course followed after me and soon after that we went back and guess what happened after that...
Sara Tanner: I’m SO SORRY Natalie I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings..
Me: It’s okay and I forgive you...
Sara Tanner: Friends?
Me: Friends!
Sara Tanner: Toby is better off with you in his life
Me: I know so can I get the ring back Toby? Or are you mad at me?
Toby Tanner: Of course you can and no I’m not mad that you threw a ring at me!
Me: Ha ha Sorry but we are 21 now and have been dating for about 4 years...
Toby Tanner: I know we have...
Me: Now lets go eat! Before the food gets any colder....
The rest of the day was perfect.... Toby and I got married when we were 22 and we both work for my company I’m the boss and he’s the manager.... My employee’s think it’s funny.... Because well I am his boss and he is My Husband....

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Natalie And Her First Week At Apple Valley Orphanage

Natalie And Her First Week At Apple Valley Orphanage

By Cole Carr 

It was the Fourth of July in Apple Valley. It was Natalie’s first day at the Orphanage. Natalie said “What are those called?” She pointed at the fireworks. A little boy named Willy responded “Fireworks” Natalie said “I’ve never heard of them! My brother and sister…… Joun and Marianna…… Every holiday we each got one piece of candy.” Natalie started to cry. A girl Natalie’s age named Jelilah said “It’s ok I miss my family too!” After the fireworks they went inside to go to bed. Natalie said “Wow this room is bigger than my old one….. And I actually have my own bed” A little girl named Nelie said “What do you mean your own bed?” “I mean I had to share a bed with my brother and baby sister…..” Every girl in there “Night.”The next day Natalie woke up crying Jelilah asked Whats wrong? Natalie responded Today is Jouns 16th cumpleaños! What is that? A what do you call it.. Thats right a birthday! Oh Vamos a desayunar. Lets go eat breakfast! The Cafeteria Lady Welcome Girls and Boys! Bienvenida Chicas and Chicos Natalie Hola Mrs. Fillaw. Later on in class the teacher said Class today we have four special guests. Mr. and Mrs. Espinoza and theyre children Joun and Marianna Natalie raised her hand Yes Natalie? May I be excused? Why Natalie? Because.. I cant take this mama, papa.. You put me in this orphanage cause you couldnt take care of me. And now I cry myself to sleep every night. Mrs. Espinoza Natalie Cardine I love you we didnt want you to suffer Why didnt you put in Joun and Marianna too?Because Joun is working and Marianna is too little Still why me? Because Mrs. Lauren can we go please? Mrs. Lauren Yes Mama, Papa dont go. I love you. Im tired of crying myself to sleep. Natalie started crying. Joun walked up to her and said Natalie. I love you Ive loved you since the beginning. Have you thought of how hard it is for me especially since today is my cumpleaños. I love you Joun wait I love you too and Feliz cumpleaños! Thanks Hermana! That night Natalie did what she always did cry herself to sleep.The next day was Natalies 13th cumpleaños. And of course Natalie woke up crying. Jelilah asked Whats wrong Natalie? Natalie responded Todays my cumpleaños. OH. Feliz cumpleaños! No one understands. I pictured my 13th birthday with my familia  Im sorry  On Jouns 13th birthday he had a cake and we sang his favorite song La Bamba Cool! Maybe theyll let you celebrate like that! What type of cake was it?  Carrot with vanilla frosting! Cool! I have to go its my turn to help Mrs. Ladeo Bye Jelilah! Bye Natalie!. Later on Natalie had just finished lunch and was about to take a nap when there was a knock on her Natalie asked Whos there? her mother answered Your familia What do you want? We came with your favorite carrot cake with vanilla frosting…” Fine come in "Feliz cumpleaños! Gracias De Nada Marianna said Herm..Hermana Her first word was Hermana.. I love you too Mariannasob- I love my familia. I dont want you to leave at the end of the day. Im sorry sweetie but we have to whats your favorite song? “Jesus Loves The Little Children What? Jesus Loves The Little Children It goes like this. Natalie started singing “Jesus Loves The Little Children all the children of the world Unusual song dear Yeah I always thought your favorite song was La Bamba No thats yours Joun OH, I knew that Yeah sure you didI love you sis I love you too bro! Feliz Cumpleaños Bye Mama, Papa, Joun and Marianna! Bye Sis Bye Natalie. Later on that night Natalie knew she could actually go to bed happy.

The next morning instead of Jelilah waking Natalie up. Her best friend from Mexico did. Justin said Natalie time to wake up Natalie responded GO AWAY! Thats no way to talk to your best friend Oh sorry Justin I.. JUSTIN I missed you I missed you too! Wait wheres Jelilah? Whos that? OH. My other Best Friend Ok I need to go down to Breakfast Ok come on Ill walk you downstairs Ok come on.. Here we are! Mrs. Fillaw Welcome Girls and Boys! Bienvenida Chicas and Chicos Morning Mrs. Fillaw! This is my best friend Justin Morning Mam Honey you dont have to call me mam I insist mam I do not like being called mam, sir Ok, ok fine. Natalie said Ok you two lets go Justin! Later on that night Ok Jelilah what is going on? "We thought you wanted to see your friends Yeah but. Hey dont mention itThe next day jelilah woke her up saying Natalie, Natalie Now thats what I like waking up to Tell me how was your life back in Mexico? Well I mean it was hard Last year about this time my parents had to put my triplets up for adoption.. So where are they now? I think theyre in the boy cabin here Maybe theyre wait HERE Yes thats what I said Oh, wait twin boys came in about this time last year Really where? Theyre in your class. Later on in class Mrs. Lauren said Today class we will work in groups of four. I will now read off the list Nicolai and Jorge Espinoza, Natalie Espinoza, and Jelilah Beibop. Jorge said Wait you have the same last name as us Natalie responded Yes Jorge Milo Espinoza Nicolai said How do you know Jorge's middle name? Only three people know are middle name are mama, papa and sister Natalie What if Im your sister Natalie Id freak Because I am Both boys yell NO YOURE NOT! Natalie has long Red hairThe next day jelilah woke her up saying Natalie, Natalie Now thats what I like waking up to Tell me how was your life back in Mexico? Well I mean it was hard Last year about this time my parents had to put my triplets up for adoption.. So where are they now? I think theyre in the boy cabin here Maybe theyre wait HERE Yes thats what I said Oh, wait twin boys came in about this time last year Really where? Theyre in your class. Later on in class Mrs. Lauren said Today class we will work in groups of four. I will now read off the list Nicolai and Jorge Espinoza, Natalie Espinoza, and Jelilah Beibop. Jorge said Wait you have the same last name as us Natalie responded Yes Jorge Milo Espinoza Nicolai said How do you know Jorge's middle name? Only three people know are middle name are mama, papa and sister Natalie What if Im your sister Natalie Id freak Because I am Both boys yell NO YOURE NOT! Natalie has long Red hairThe next day Jelilah woke Natalie up by saying Guess what? What? Today is visiting day Awesome. Later on that day, someone walked in that really surprised Natalie, it was Justin and his papa. Natalie said What are you doing here? Justin replied I wanted to see you Ok, I wanted to see you too! How has life been for you here? Ok, I guess What do you mean I guess? I mean this week has been a merry-go-round. Its been really hard I know it has Did you know my brothers are here? Yeah I did Did everyone know but me? I dont know if everyone knew Well I didnt and everyone seemed to know but ME I just told you not everyone knew Im sorry I didnt mean to yell at you. Im sorry Mr. Adios said Son we have to go Why? Now papa Because I said so Fine! Adios Natalie Bye Justin! Later on that night Jelilah said so how was your visiting day? Fun Awesome Night Night Jelilah.The next morning Natalie woke Jelilah by saying Jelilah were going to be late to Church Jelilah responded Why now? Because its Sunday Fine Ill get up. At Church they learned about the things God created, and sang Hymns. Natalie said That was fun! Nicolai responded Yeah! That actually was I know I never thought Church would be this fun Yeah well I better go to my cabin Ok, bye Nicolai! Bye Natalie Wait Jorge, you and I got off on the wrong foot. Im sorry for the way I acted. I shouldnt have said that about you…… Friends? Jorge responded More than friends siblings! Later on that night getting ready for bed there was a knock on Natalies bedroom window. Natalie said Whos there? Joun and Marianna, we ran away, I was sick and tired of work Ok, but you know you cant stay here? I know Natalie Ok, I have to go to bed Ok, Night Natalie Ok, Night Joun and Marianna.